Monday, October 28, 2013

Post Baby Three Losing is Great! WEEK FIVE!


Starting weight: 180
Weight today: 171.4
Difference: 0
Total Weight Loss to date: 8.6lbs
Size: squeezing into 12/13 


I totally stress ate this entire week. I am thankful not to have gained any weight but I am SO BUMMED after having such a great weight loss last week to have no change at all this week. 


I gave into stress. The kids were whiney, the house was a mess, my baby was up lots during the night and I ate out my stress. 

I should have exercised my stress, because though I was exhausted from being up with the baby, I did have a little more time this week and the weather was nice. Sometimes exercising or not exercising is tricky... I'm exhausted so I don't, but I'm exhausted because I don't. 

I still tried to stick to whole foods, but I also did eat some junk food. One trip to Sonic, a few kids' french fries, and a Mocha Frappe made the list. Mmm. So good. 

Wait, this is my victory section... 

I stayed away from diet coke even though I craved it like crazy this week. Probably I craved it because of the stress and poor food choices. To satisfy this craving, I drank sparkling fruit-flavored water. The carbonation hit the spot and no calories so I figured it was a decent compromise. 

I also exercised more than I have to date, so maybe I'm also building muscle. 

I don't notice much change yet in the way my clothes fit, BUT, I do notice more definition in my face/collar bone/arms. It's not much, but it's something. :) I'll post pics when I hit the ten pound mark. Which I was hoping would be this week... Next week?! 

I just received my Shakeology sampler packet which I will be trying this week. My friend, Joia Farmer who also has a blog, "Eat, Sweat, Pray, Repeat" sent it my way to try out. I have little to no money to put towards any sort of diet program, but I thought I would try this out given her recommendation and my newfound desire to eat healthy and get fit! (As slow-going as it may be) Joia makes taking care of our bodies part of her ministry, because we can't really take care of others if we aren't taking care of our own health! The whole can't give what we don't have deal. 

1)  Need better ways to deal with stress not involving homemade chocolate chip cookies.

1) Exercise

2) Follow Week two of Real Food MEALS

3) Try out Shakeology. 

Until next week... :)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Hold My Hand

Not too long ago, my husband and I had some friends over for dinner.

One couple was newly dating. One couple was engaged. We are married with children. 

After dinner, my husband and I laughed about the difference in each couple's behavior and how we could at one point relate to both in our own relationship. 

The dating couple was very modest in their public displays of affection. 

The engaged couple was unabashedly affectionate and inseparable.

David and I, the married couple, sat at two opposite ends of the table not affectionate at all. At. All. 

It was hilarious to us, to note the difference and reminisce about our own relationship and how it has evolved in our short four years of marriage (though it seems MUCH longer... in a good way!) 

People used to tease David and I for our "inseparability" while we were dating/engaged. We held hands every chance we got. We never missed an opportunity to put an arm around the other, cuddle, hug, or kiss. There was this deep bond -- this magnetism --  that drew us together and created the most beautiful and passionate love for the other. We held hands to pray. We held hands walking in to Mass. I guess it was kind of laughable, but I really do treasure those moments. 

Now we are married with children and our affection often goes to them in huge doses of smothering hugs and kisses. We are much less publicly affectionate with each other than when we were dating.

And that's ok. 

At first, I thought there was something wrong with us. Or wrong with David. Or wrong with me. I thought, "Oh no! We need to work on our relationship! We are lacking in affection!" 

Then I remembered we have had three kids in four years so that couldn't be the problem... ;)

Now, there are definitely times where I struggle with being affectionate because after picking up kids, holding kids, holding their hands, breast-feeding, having hair pulled, getting gooey handprints on my pants, spat up on, getting pulled on allllllllll day long.... I need my space. 

Don't touch me. Please whatever you do don't touch me. My overstimulation gage is exceeding max capacity. 

But, more often, I see the love that David and I have for one another that is simply just.... understood. It runs deep down to the core of my being that I know he loves me with Christ-centered and Christ-like love. Sure, we tick each other off and there are times when we feel unloved by the other due to our own human weakness (darn that human weakness!), but love is more than a feeling. 

Our children bear the witness of our love. Our faith bears the witness of our love. Our relationship bears the witness of our love. 

When David and I now hold hands, it's still wonderful, but unlike when we were dating... if my hand gets sweaty, I'm going to let go! But that doesn't change the fact that our love runs deep. 

I was reading a marriage advice article on "improving your marriage" and one of the tips was to hold hands, because it is simple and nonsexual loving affection. I think, though, that improving our marriage starts with our own prayer lives. If my life is centered on Christ, I have more love to give. If my life is centered on Christ, my relationship with David transcends this passing earthly time. 

So hold hands because you love each other. Not to... "improve" your marriage. There are many more constructive things to do if a marriage needs improvement. Affection shouldn't ever come with strings attached (I'm doing this because I need to feel loved or I'm hoping you change) - it should be other-centered. I understand this now. I have learned to not look at dating couple's affections with envy, but treasure the growth our love has sustained.  : ) 

Peace and prayers going up tonight for all marriages -the difficult, the new, the old. God bless! 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I'm Desperate for You

"And I.... I'm desperate for You.... and I.... I'm lost without You..."

This was one of my favorite praise and worship songs EVER when I was younger. I immediately connected to the cry of the refrain, the words, the emotion, the prayer.

Recently, though, I read this saying from St. Padre Pio:

I repeat that the temptations of jealousy, desperation, discouragement, distrust, etc. are works of the devil.

As a person who was beginning to come to grips with my sin and my deep desires to serve the Lord, I felt a sense of desperation that cause me to reach out and cling to the Lord. The Lord used the desperation to bring me to Him! It's kind of like being at rock bottom, finally realizing only the Lord can really satisfy, heal, and love unconditionally.

My despair, or desperation, is now the very thing that leads me away from Him.

I feel desperate when I feel we will never be out of debt. I feel desperate not knowing the future and where we will find a home to settle in for awhile. I feel desperate when my kids are sick and I don't know what is wrong.

This desperation is not something that immediately leads me to the Lord... it leads me to feel hopeless and want control. It leads me to doubt. It leads me to try to do things on my own without reaching out to Him until once again, I reach the end of my rope and finally look up.

Desperation is no virtue. Desperation is a hopeless, lost feeling. Desperation leads people to all kinds of dead ends, false promises, temporary solutions, fleeting happiness.

When we feel desperate, we have to ask ourselves... "Where is our faith?" "Where is our trust?" "What does our prayer life look like?"

Reading this quote from Padre Pio instantly made sense to me.... I had been so tense and stressed trying to figure things out on my own.. spending more time thinking I need to find solutions and less time praying. I realized that this was my sin... my lack of faith and surrender.

It really does give me peace to be reminded that the answers that I seek, the Lord has, so my foremost priority has to be to seek Him. The solutions will come. They always do.

While I still like the song, I am reminded not to stay in that state of desperation - I can sing it to acknowledge my lack of faith and total dependence upon God and to ask for help to place my hope in Him.


I can trade my sorrows for better is one day in His courts than thousands elsewhere, so here I am to worship because I've got that joy down in my heart -- where? Down in my heart! :)

"Pray, hope, and don't worry." -- Padre Pio

Monday, October 21, 2013

Post Baby Three Losing is Great! WEEK FOUR


Starting weight: 180
Weight today: 171.4
Difference: - 3.4lbs
Total Weight Loss to date: 8.6lbs
Size: squeezing into 12/13 

Well! Not too bad if I may say so myself! My challenges were not drinking diet coke. Also, Aunt Flo paid a surprise visit. TMI? Yes, but we ladies know how much this crazy aunt loves to throw a wrench in our diet plans. 

I am also still forever struggling with finding time every day to do a little exercise. This week was better, but we worked late, were recording a demo of our theme song every waking moment, and it was just all around nuts as usual. 

I am one full week diet coke free!  I did drink some coffee, because I really needed the caffeine. We also ate very, very few processed foods this week. I can name the processed foods we ate on one hand: hot dogs, ice cream, cheese, crackers, cheerios. That's it. 

This week I forgot to count calories, because staying away from processed foods and following my meal plans from 100 Days of Real Food almost always kept me way under my calorie allotment. And I felt really great! If you like "100 Days of Real Food" on facebook, you can download meal plans and grocery lists from there. 

If I didn't like the recipes on the blog, I just googled recipes with the similar ingredients. It was so easy to take this lady's grocery lists to the store and then follow the meal plans. 

I also find that I get the munchies at night, so if I just grab an apple or a banana with a little bit of peanut butter, that REALLY REALLY REALLY helped me not to go attack something not good for me. Fortunately, we don't have a lot of things in the house anymore that "aren't good for me." :) 

1)  In fact, I noticed that I craved diet coke only when I ate processed foods, like hot dogs for lunch or ice cream for dessert. I needed ice cream though. Needed. :P

2) My energy level has gone way up! Usually this time of the month would have been me laying in bed eating chocolate and crying over every little thing. This time, I don't know... I just felt great! 

1) Exercise

2) Follow Week two of Real Food MEALS

3) Try to wean down on coffee. (only one cup a day, but I am one of those, give me lots of creamer so I can't taste the coffee type folks) :) 

Until next week... :)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Power Down

What was I thinking.

It was Friday morning before I was about to leave for Lubbock, Texas. I was going to be leading a girls' retreat, giving talks on self-worth and purity all day the next day. Because of the flight schedule and kids' bed times, I wasn't going to see the kids until Sunday morning.

And I was on my phone.

I was Facebooking.

I was watching a show on Netflix while packing.

I was NOT spending time with my kids.

I am so sad to say that I was impatient with them and trying to get them to go occupy themselves with their toys while I did --- what? Pack and see what's up on Facebook?

By the grace of God... it dawned on me: I am leaving, I won't see my kids until Sunday, so POWER DOWN and be with them.

So I did. I am so thankful I did because we had a lot of fun and the goodbyes weren't too bad.

I try to remember each day is precious. The time we have with each other is a gift. I don't know when the end will be, but I'm sure that I'm not going to regret POWERING DOWN my electronics to just be present with my family. I will regret it if I don't....

I don't want to be more up to date on what's going on in Facebook or Twitter than in my children's lives. I don't want to be caught up on the next Netflix episode of whatever and miss out on taking care of what needs to be done around the house. I don't want to be up on taking care of everything around the house and miss out on making a beautiful disaster!

Earlier this year, my band, David, and I were coming home from a Youth Conference in Santa Barbara, California entitled "YOLO - You Only Live Once". As we were approaching the landing strip, all of a sudden the plane shot back up. We knew something was wrong, but nobody said anything at first. A few minutes later, I see the flight attendants run to the back of the plane and search an overhead compartment and pull out a large manual.

At this point I knew something was very wrong. I couldn't imagine what it was... a sick or injured passenger? Something wrong with the plane? Terrorist? My mind was racing. I began to pray a Rosary.

About halfway through my Rosary, the crew got on the intercom and said they were going to prepare us for an emergency landing, because the landing gear was not coming down. They asked us to look at the safety card in the pocket of the seat in front of us. I couldn't process anything. It may as well have been written in Chinese.

As the flight attendants began to give us instructions... take everything off your face, taking nothing with you, lean forward with our arms crossed in front of our face when they shout at us to "brace" .... All I could think of was my kids.

They were staying with my parents. And in a few minutes.... they could lose their mom and dad.

David and I weren't even sitting next to each other -- he was way up ahead on the right side of the plane, and I was in the back, right behind Nick, our bassist. David looked back and we said nothing, but the look meant everything....we knew we loved each other. We knew we were both praying for our children. We knew God was in control.

Initially I cried... I cried for my kids and the confusion they would have if we disappeared from their lives all of a sudden.

But then a peace washed over me. Instead of praying that I would live, I prayed God would take care of our kids, no matter what happened.

We were told to look around at the people sitting next to us so that we could help them.

Boarding the plane, people hardly look at each other. This time, we all recognized each other's humanity. It was a beautiful encounter of life versus death. I can't explain how profound that moment was.

The attendants finally shouted that we were preparing for landing... "BRACE! BRACE! BRACE!" They screamed at us.

I leaned forward and closed my eyes. Whatever happens, I am in Your hands, O God. I trust my children to You. I trust my husband to You. Have mercy on us.

We landed.

We landed fine. I could barely walk my shaken self off the plane.

The band and David and I all embraced. The moment was surreal.

The next conference we do will be called... "Live a Long Happy Life and Die of Natural Causes at a Very Old Age."

We couldn't wait to get home and hold our kids.

So, I don't know what I was thinking, about to leave town this weekend and not spend some quality time with my kids.


Our electronics are the biggest reason we run out of time to just be, to pray, and to love.

God bless you all and may we all take time to POWER DOWN.


Monday, October 14, 2013

Post Baby Three Losing is Great! WEEK THREE!


Starting weight: 180
Weight today: 174.8
Difference: - 0.6lbs
Total Weight Loss to date: 5.2lbs
Size: squeezing into 12/13

Dang it! I have to admit, I am a little frustrated once again this week. Don't get me wrong, I am happy about the .6lb loss, BUT I know I can do better. I was sick the first couple days, then traveling the last couple days and so my activity level was, yet again, minimal. I feel more motivated than ever, though, because I KNOW I can do this! I've done it before and I'll do it again! :) 

I was at the airport Friday and Saturday for several hours each day between layovers and my actual arrival time. I had my baby and his carrier with me, so I walked up and down the terminal, switching arms, to get a minimal workout in. Hey, it's better than nothing, right? I also made a point to run around the house with my kids. It was fun, AND a workout! :) I counted calories so that even when I was treated to a burger upon my speaking engagement in Texas, I had plenty to cancel it out. ;) 

This week I will be taking parts of our meal plan from 100Days of Real Food Blog. We are gradually moving our family away from processed foods, but my ultimate strategy is still to count calories. 

I am also giving up diet coke. :-o Partly for grocery budget and partly for health. 

David is going to do my workout videos with me. We have time in the evening together and that will help I think to give me more exercise time, and time together. Many days, the only time I can get to workout is when David is home in the late evening after the kids go to bed and I feel bad to not spend time with him and instead leave to do my own thing, especially because we are so busy with often unpredictable schedules week to week. 

Some great recipes I tried this week... Crockpot Pancakes for dinner and Macaroni and Cheese made with milk and grated cheese - that's it. Just cook the noodles in the milk, then add cheese as desired. Much lower fat than other macaroni and not too bad at all. :) I sprinkled a bit of Cayenne pepper on just for a little extra kick.

1) I have found through tracking my meals that when I ate a bigger breakfast, I was a LOT less hungry during the day than if I tried to split calories evenly between breakfast and lunch. I am much more productive during the morning, so that is probably why - I burn off more calories then I'm practically starving by lunch time and more inclined to eat over my calories. A bigger breakfast and a bigger dinner seem to be better for my metabolism. 

2) You can be active without a set workout time, if the day gets too busy for a thirty minute workout plus fifteen minute shower. Instead of letting my kids watch a movie, we played hide and seek or tag or anything else very active. You'd be surprised how many calories and how much of a workout you can get doing that! 

1) Exercise

2) Plan MEALS

3) Avoid processed foods 

Until next week... :)

Friday, October 11, 2013

I Hate Cancer.

My father-in-law, David's dad, has cancer.

He has cancer in his bladder and doctors are deciding now whether they are going to have to remove the whole bladder and prostate or if they can manage to get the tumor/cancer out without having to remove his bladder.

We are praying for a miracle, and I would like to invite you to join us.

We know that above everything God reigns, and we also pray for acceptance of His will. However, like the widow in Scripture, we're going to persistently knock at the Just Judge's door and pray for a miracle! :)

We are especially asking for the intercession of Archbishop Fulton Sheen. David's dad remembers watching Fulton Sheen on television as a kid. He remembers being fascinated by Fulton Sheen's cloak. David's mom has a strong devotion to Fulton Sheen. David and I have read several of his books. Our favorite thing about the Archbishop is that he speaks great spiritual truths in relatable and understandable language. Many hearts have turned to the Lord in conversion from the work of Archbishop Fulton Sheen and we pray for all of our faith and family's faith that all of our hearts will be drawn closer to the Lord in this process.

I contacted the Archbishop Fulton Sheen Cause for Canonization and they sent me a second class relic - a small piece of his vestment and a novena prayer: 

Eternal Father, You alone grant us every blessing in Heaven and on earth, through the redemptive mission of Your Divine Son, Jesus Christ, and by the working of the Holy Spirit.
If it be according to Your Will, glorify Your servant, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, by granting the favor I now request through his prayerful intercession (mention your request here)
I make this prayer confidently through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
+Most Reverend Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C.
And a prayer for canonization....
Heavenly Father, source of all holiness, You raise up within the Church in every age men and women who serve with heroic love and dedication. You have blessed Your Church through the life and ministry of Your faithful servant, Archbishop Fulton J Sheen. He has written and spoken well of Your Divine Son, Jesus Christ, and was a true instrument of the Holy Spirit in touching the hearts of countless people.
If it be according to Your Will, for the honor and glory of the Most Holy Trinity and for the salvation of souls, we ask You to move the Church to proclaim him a saint. We ask this prayer through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
+Most Reverend Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C.

Another interesting thing happened, which we believe is an assurance from God that He is with all of us during this time of suffering...
At the doctor's office, David's dad stepped off the exam table, right onto a mouse! It was a moment of humor for David's parents, but of course the doctor was horrified! This is a very prestigious medical center in the Boston area! 
When they arrived home that night, they saw a mouse in their kitchen! They haven't seen a mouse in over ten years! 
Just for kicks, I google searched "Fulton Sheen" and "Mouse" and I came up with an excerpt from a sermon and also from one of his books. 
He used the mouse as an example of our faith in the midst of suffering. 
If a mouse gets trapped in the piano, it hears the thud, feels the vibrations of the sounds, gets tossed around and in general feels that life is chaotic. But if he could step back, he would see there was a Master Pianist playing glorious music! 
This is how we feel in the midst of this.... chaotic. Tossed around. Suffering. 
But our faith tells us there is a Master Pianist, and His music is glorious, He is present with us, and it will all be okay when we are caught up in His eternal glory! 
Please pray. Even if you can't do the novena all the way through, that's ok! We know God hears our prayers and we know Fulton Sheen is praying for us and with us too! 

God bless you all! Thank you for your support. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Post Baby Three Losing is Great WEEK TWO!


Starting weight: 180
Weight today: 175.4 
Difference: - 0.2lbs
Size: squeezing into 12/13

Birthday Cake and Lucia's favorite foods: Spaghetti and Pizza. 

Ahhh this was SUCH a hard week! I am very happy to report any weight loss at all! We celebrated Lucia's birthday twice - once with family and once with friends, the kids' schedule was all messed up for whatever reason - change in weather? So I was only able to workout twice this entire week. I also added some more music students. Elias' sleep schedule was off so even morning workouts were out of the question and it was just waaaayyy more difficult and crazy of a week than I anticipated. 

I am happy to report that I logged ALL my calories, even on days that I failed miserably with wrong food choices (cake), because if I didn't, I probably would have eaten more for the sake of the party. ;) I also sent the leftover cake with David to his office so it wouldn't be sitting around tempting me. It had been a long time since I had eaten cake.... 

I forgot how good it was. 

I also rejected Sunday donuts. 

I started over every day. I didn't give up on the week. Even when I was disappointed I didn't get to workout as planned or mad at myself for lack of cake and pizza self-control. 

This week I will be planning my meals and snack times, so I plan the calories in advance as much as possible, and also avoid the temptation to make an unhealthy choice! I also plan to get back on the workout train -- Yeah, except today.... I have food poisoning - ahhhhh!! -- which also throws a wrench in the accuracy of my weight loss. 

I didn't do measurements. I am just going to go by how my clothes fit. Right now... still snug :) 

1) It's okay to indulge once in awhile, but I needed to plan those calories and how I would compensate for them - workout or eating fewer calories in other meals.

2) When I did workout, I had no desire for sugary foods. If I had been able to workout, I think I would have done better with my food self-control. 

3) With Lucia, my pregnancy weight came off pretty fast, but I was working then. Now I am home and have to avoid the temptation to be sedentary! Let's go for more walks, do some chores, keep moving! 

1) Exercise

2) Plan calories ahead of time

Until next week... :)

Friday, October 4, 2013

Christian Healthcare

My husband and I just finished the third season of Walking Dead on Netflix.

I really enjoy this show despite the fact that I hate zombies and avoid horror movies like the plague. I like this show for a few reasons...

1) The struggle of humanity between good vs. evil - not just zombies - but self-interest. The characters have to make life or death choices.. to help one another or sacrifice one another for the sake of survival. It's intense!

2) They learn to take care of themselves and each other. If all of a sudden my electricity was off, no running water, no grocery stores, no hospitals or doctor's offices, and no other modern conveniences I currently enjoy, I'm not sure if I would have what it takes to survive.

3) The show makes you root for the good! You WANT the characters to make the right choices, the moral choices, but you can understand how jaded this experience has made them, how traumatized.

This brings me to our healthcare disaster.

I am terrified of the healthcare expenses we now face. I know people who have had insane raises in deductibles, copays, had their plans totally canceled, or have reduced coverage on very necessary procedures.

We are heading in a direction, funneling citizens to become more dependent upon the government. When we look to government to take care of us, we are sorely disappointed: See, Hurricane Katrina, Benghazi, Department of Motor Vehicles...

"Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's"

This idea of dependency on government isn't new. All over the world governments position themselves as the provider. They set the taxes, control the food distribution, control how people earn their living, regulate utilities, control the military, monitor education. For better or for worse, this is the reality. Even in Scripture, in the Old Testament, we see how Joseph's brothers ran out of food in the midst of famine and went to beg for food from the Pharaoh. In the New Testament, Jesus was even questioned about His loyalty to Caesar and obedience to the law.

Because we have become so utterly dependent upon government in almost every aspect of our lives, our worldview has in some ways become helpless and hopeless. We can feel there are only two options: 1) civil disobedience or 2) surrender to the policies that harm us and our family.

Although there may be no getting around option 1 or 2, I propose a different option.

The second reading for this Sunday comes from the second letter of St. Paul to Timothy. It says "For God did not give you a spirit of cowardice, but rather of power and love and self-control....bear your share of hardship for the Gospel with the strength that comes from God."

It is so easy to be afraid - especially when it comes to changes made to the health care we may receive or the amount of money we will be out or any number of things that could go on in the world from wars to raising debt ceilings, religious persecution to terrorist threat. But God did not give us a spirit of cowardice! We are bold in the Lord who gives us power, love, and self-control- not just one of these things, but ALL of these things along with the strength to endure whatever hardships come our way. However, St. Paul says to endure our hardship for the GOSPEL. Not for our government.

So, here's the third option.

What if we cared for one another?

What if we are doctors who assist in time of need a family that is in financial difficulty? What if we are able to give just a little more to charity or to someone in need? What if we are accountants who set aside time to help an elderly person get their finances in order? What if we are teachers who share our knowledge with students who just aren't getting it in the classroom, or adults who need extra help in literacy? What if we are physically capable of helping someone fix up or clean their house or fix their car? What if we cook a decent meal for the homeless and better yet, dined with them?

What if we did all of these things, discerning not that we should receive payment, but grace.

I'm not saying we should do away with the monetary system, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying this in the extreme of any right or left agenda. I am saying this with the utmost Catholic, Gospel values that Pope Francis is reminding us of - we have been distracted by the hot button moral issues. Now we are distracted by the political in-fighting, corruption, and name-calling.

What if we try our best to go out of our way to see the person who needs our gifts and talents, and their situation, and trust that God will provide for our own situation?

I need to do this, too, in my own life.

But wouldn't that render government policies regarding some of these healthcare issues, useless?

We, as Church, need to step it up. Government is now the provider for our"poor, huddled masses" but that is also because we, as Church, have failed to act on our Gospel calling to care for one another. Now we are upset with how they are taking over, but what could we really expect after we have dropped the ball?

I realize how lofty in theory this is and how Utopian it may seem to care for one another so God is provider, not government, but it is all throughout the Gospel -- Jesus instructs all of us to care for our brethren. He doesn't just go to the government leaders and tell them to send money to the poor. Why would He? Sure, they may eat then, but would they experience Christ in the form of a mailed check? No. We experience Christ in our times of need through one another and the provision He sends to us through one another.


I have a lot more to pray about and think about in my own life about how I can better care for those around me in a sacrificial way. I challenge you too, to see how your work can be also your ministry. Pray about how your gifts and talents can be put to use for those in spiritual, physical, financial, mental, or emotional need.

I am thankful for the many blessings we have and I pray our ridiculous government policies can be voided out by our passionate Gospel living.