I have not blogged lately for a few reasons....
Everything I want to blog about is controversial and frankly, I am all debated out. Some of you are friends with me on Facebook could attest to that.
Lately, I have had a hard time with Social Media giving one the power to speak with authority even though one has no authority in the matter. Very few people these days actually do any research before they post. One news article from a friend tends to form a staunch opinion, even if that article has no basis in fact, rather, it is the opinion of an "expert". I think we should never, ever take a news article at face value. Not even from the "experts". For example...Back when I did my post on BDSM, I would read things like, "Studies show BDSM is actually good for a relationship." The problem was, when I actually read the studies, they were either not from random samples, poorly constructed, or it appeared the data gathered was purposefully gathered to show a specific result. So, I thought to myself....how could some of these behaviors once considered disordered all of a sudden be healthy? I think I will wait for additional studies to come out. Right now, there really aren't any.
This is not to rehash that debate, but rather to show how we limit our own knowledge by taking someone's word for it, who simply has to state, "studies show..." because many people do not understand what makes a study legitimate and that very few studies are actually conclusive unless there have been extensive studies on that matter, particularly on psychologic and social issues.
Then there is the whole Duggar debate. People have been waiting for them to screw up. They literally hate the Duggars. I briefly debated someone and left with the point that the Duggars, even though you or I may disagree with their point of view on a subject, always treated people with respect. This person sent me "quotes" from an anti-Duggar site that essentially said, "See, Duggars hate gays! They aren't respectful or loving at all!" Good thing I don't just read the headlines because the funny thing is... I listened to all the media sound bytes on the page I was sent and in every single one the Duggars talk about treating those they disagree with with love and respect for their human dignity. It sickens me how they aren't given the same respect. As soon as you say this, people jump all over you, " You are excusing Josh Duggar!! Insert postal rant here. "No. I am not. But can we really say we are innocent in our own actions regarding this latest sensation? Have we not rehashed wounds for those girls and thrown a very private matter into the public eye, victimizing and abusing them with our own gossip, lies, and vitriol?
Social media, your pursuit isn't truth. Your pursuit is scandal. And we eagerly bite the bait every time.
I know I may sound a bit cynical - but I assure you I am not. Rather, I think it is essential to have a healthy skepticism and take the extra time to do some research before forming an opinion. I do not have opinions based on the political party I prefer, which, to be honest, is neither. I do not have opinions based on whatever news comes out about the Vatican. I have opinions that have been formed through investigation! Even when it comes to Church teaching... why does the Church teach this? Let me look and find out rather than automatically disagreeing or even agreeing. Much of society's ailments we have already been through, historically. There isn't anything new about moral decline. Read Humanae Vitae. Look at history. Through this process, I have come to trust the teaching of the Church. Not because I am a blind sheep, but because I see that just because something is popular doesn't make it true, and doesn't make it free of long-term consequences.
Anyway, this is why I have refrained from blogging lately. I do believe that God is raising saints up in our time to stand up against persecution and moral decline. I do not have the view that the end days are imminent or that God will send His wrath upon us. Though, everyone should be glad I am not God, because I would have had it up to here by now! I have hope. I have hope because God is love and unchanging. The more we live in a gray world, the more we crave something black and white. The gray never leads us anywhere. We can see that in many contexts in our own lives... dieting for example... oh man. Just a few more months till the weight loss blog is back up and running !
So I have hope, that as we prepare to bring another baby into this world, there will be good people in it to continue to live not for society or popularity or social media, but live courageously for Truth, Justice, Love, Peace. I am not scared of bringing this baby into the world. Get ready, world, for this baby, who will be another beautiful witness of the love of God, simply because he or she was formed by His hands.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers as our family grows, as the ministry grows, and as we continue to strive for holiness!
As always, we pray for you, too.