Friday, December 20, 2013

The McHugh Christmas Card

Dear Friends and Family,

I wanted to be uber domestic and Pinterest-impressive this year and send out Christmas cards. Unfortunately, I waited until the very last minute and then we came down with one of the most horrible viruses we have had in a long time, so I am going to settle on a generic E-Card/Blog. Please keep our daughter in prayer as she has a perforated ear drum which won't be able to be examined for a couple weeks due to the fluid buildup. We are praying for a speedy recovery and for protection/restoration of her hearing!

Anyway, this past year has brought the most incredible challenges and blessings of our married life. We have been stretched to the max every which way... physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, mentally... any other "-ally's" you name it! While at times it hurt and we didn't think it would ever stop, we can look back and see how God has profoundly blessed us and provided for what we needed - not necessarily what we wanted - but what we needed. When we surrendered to that, we had peace. 

Without getting into lots of detail, we were somewhat unexpectedly forced to make a critical job search. It was a very difficult decision, with many tears and lots of pain, but we had the support of friends and family and tried to cling to the Lord with every last drop of strength. That led us to Dodge City, Kansas! I never, EVER, thought I would live in a place like Dodge City - with not a whole lot of trees, extreme weather, and no TARGET (Gasp!). I actually really like it here. I bawled the first uh... month... but that was probably also due, in part, to the fact that I am now mostly a stay-at-home mom and struggled with not having regular, daily adult interaction. Besides David, that is. Also it is pretty challenging to take two toddlers and an infant anywhere out of the house, solo. People are great here, though. The funny thing is... most of the people I have met are not from here either - in fact, many folks I have met are from... MICHIGAN!! It's crazy! This is beautiful though, because everyone is seeking friendship and community, so people are open, not really cliquey and there is a great spirit of welcoming which we have encountered from people at our Church to even our Mailman who stopped in to introduce himself the first week we moved in. The move has been really positive for us. It has also been great to reconnect with my friend Deanna and her new husband, Michael. We reconnected like no time had passed and they really feel like our family here. 

David loves his job. The staff and parishioners are fantastic and helpful. I don't know the right word to describe... hospitable or generous? There's a spirit here in general that is others-centered... I can't put my finger on it. We live next door to the principal of the Catholic school here in town, and he mowed our lawn because we had moved in and didn't have the chance to buy a lawnmower yet (we had to leave behind our old one). This week when we were driving around frantically, near tears, at 5pm looking for anyone we could find to see Lucia's ear, the principal's wife and a couple other friends called around until they were able to get some medical advice concerning Lucia's ear. We have been really touched by the kindness and compassion we have been shown. Not that we didn't experience those things in Michigan or other places we have lived, but being new to town, we have been grateful for the community that has made us feel home so soon and David is very happy that we're as happy as he is in his job!  The programs David is working on are growing and he's had a good success bringing this bilingual community together. Several parents have told me they are so impressed with him and that their kids love going to youth group now. That makes me so proud of him!!!

The kids are all great. They say the most hilarious things. We added a child this summer - Elias... He is just pure joy - our easiest, lowest maintenance kid yet (God knew we needed one of those!). Damien is still playing the drums, but we've moved from good rhythms and beats to mostly just LOUD (although no more until Lucia's ear heals). Lucia has got to be a blues singer... someone said they knew we were in church because they heard a "smoker baby". Very raspy voice. She has her daddy completely wrapped around her finger, but she's also my "princess" too. 

And Finally.. Our Ministry.. we had the wonderful blessing to be able to share in ministry at many, many events this past year. It was such an incredible experience for me to minister alongside people who have impacted my faith over the years. We miss our band family so much, but we will reconnect with them for some events in February in Michigan and again in March in Anaheim. We have been praying and praying, asking God what He wants of us in this ministry and we finally came to the conclusion, through prayer that we need to do another album but this time, we are doing it as an independent project with the band. In January we will be starting a fundraising campaign. I'm nervous as heck about getting it done, but it will be a shared project and we will be putting every spiritual and financial donor's name in the CD credits, so stay tuned for that! We feel so passionate about sharing the message of God's LOVE and MERCY, Pope Francis style! It was His love that transformed our lives...and we feel more than ever it is a message we must share to whomever we can. I also aspire to one day be able to share it in Spanish... so... pray for the gift of tongues. ;)

Other than that, we are all well. David's dad is doing well in his cancer recovery, but we hope to know more in several weeks when they check and see how effective the treatment has been in eradicating the cancer. 

Thank you for your love and know that we pray for all of our friends and family (the new and the old) all the time! We are humbled by the support and prayers you have given us this past year especially. You are in our lives for a very specific reason and we pray that we can be a support to you as well and always worthy of your friendship. 

God bless you and may you have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful, healthy, joy-filled (remember, joy is independent of circumstance!) peaceful New Year! 


Noelle, David, Damien, Lucia, and Elias

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Post Baby Three Losing is GREAT! Week ELEVEN!


Starting weight: 180
Weight today: 168 (Monday) 
Difference: -at least 5. I know for sure that I gained 5 lbs at least over thanksgiving. I couldn't hardly even button my pants again! 
Total Weight Loss to date: 12lbs  
Size: squeezing into 12/13 - getting a little easier ! : ) 

Same ole - trying not to stress eat. Also, it has been really hard to squeeze in exercise with a teething baby who is super clingy! 

Back to whole foods and managed a few dance parties with the kids. Short ones though - my baby didn't want to be put down much this week. That's exercise though, right? Holding the baby? 

WHOLE FOODS ARE AMAZING. 100 Days of Real Food helped me lose my Thanksgiving Weight.  It doesn't even feel like I am dieting. We did get a burger one night but that was about it. I can count the processed foods I ate one one hand. Some of you have asked what a typical day of meals looks like for me. This is it:

Cereal with banana in the morning -- I need a bigger breakfast. I'm less hungry during the day if I get in a good breakfast.
Lunch is usually a turkey sandwich on fresh baked bread. I rarely buy organic meats and cheeses. Way too expensive for our budget.
Dinner is two vegetables with a protein. I have lots of organic produce that I got at a great rate from Azure which has a drop here in Dodge City. One veggie might be a salad. We've been incorporating more sweet potatoes - those are amazingly healthy! I found that if I put salad on my plate first, I am more likely to eat it and fill up.

For snacks, I eat fruit or yogurt. Organic depends on if it was on sale. I just ordered a bunch of organic nuts which I am looking forward to adding in to my diet.

I haven't had diet coke in a few months now. It's been a good change for me. I've been drinking LOTS of tea.

I am not going to weigh in again until after the holidays. -- SO the first Monday in January. I imagine my weight loss will be minimal given the amount of baking I've been wanting to do, but who knows, maybe I'll surprise the both of us! I have a lot more energy even to deal with the kids who were sick and/or teething this week! 

Meal Plan. I waste too much time and money at the store if I forget to meal plan or stick to the one I was intending to use.

Back to whole foods (mostly) and Jillian Michaels! 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Christmas Spirit

I recently watched a viral video (because usually videos have to go viral before I notice them...) on West Jet's recent "Christmas Miracle" Publicity Stunt. Here it is, if you haven't seen it:

I cried.

I showed it to my husband who said, "So what? It was a publicity stunt. Now you only want to fly West Jet?" I said, "No! You Big SCROOGE!" And stormed out of the room in a huff. It was an exchange like that mean kid who tells you Santa isn't real and you defend him because though you've had your suspicions... This kid is being mean and you don't want to lose the Christmas Spirit. :P

Yes, I know West Jet's video was all a big publicity stunt. But it was amazing. It was amazing to me, because the employees clearly had fun, the passengers' reactions were genuine, and it is something they will never forget - the Giving Spirit. West Jet could have done a million other things that get viral videos... have some employee streak across the tarmac with "West Jet" tattooed on their back. Set a couch on fire and throw it out of an airplane -- oh, wait, that was MSU fans..(:P) Hand out a couple free airline tickets...

There were lots of things they could have done, but they asked what folks wanted and did their best to supply it to surprise their very grateful and happy customers.

Aside from the enthusiastic giving and excited faces of the employees... there was the genuine gratefulness of the passengers! Even the guy who got socks and underwear was thrilled! I was just telling my husband we need to teach our kids gratefulness... being the lovingly spoiled grandchildren, they usually get whatever they ask for, but if we don't teach them gratefulness, we will have what so many parents our age find on their hands... spoiled brats who get and do not give, who want, but do not need. Sounds even like many adults...

At Christmas, we remember Baby Jesus as our Heavenly Christmas gift - the gift of God's own Son... but did you realize... He was laid in a manger -- a feeding trough? We were hungry! Not a physical hunger, but that hunger in our soul who yearns for God. The Christmas Spirit is so much more fulfilling and something miraculous when it goes beyond shopping, decorating, caroling... and moves to GIVING. Giving of oneself. Giving to meet another's need.

Those people on that plane... business people, family people... children who will one day grow up and will always remember this random, well executed "Christmas miracle" may find themselves in a position of giving someday. Maybe someone watching will be inspired as well.

I know I am!!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

When Good Men Do Nothing...

David, the kids, and I were on our way home from an amazing time at NCYC, - the National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis. It was such an unforgettable experience... we were part of the Friday Morning Warmup right before Popple and Bob Perron then I was so blessed to sing a theme song with a man whose ministry helped shape me as a young disciple- Jesse Manibusan. We did a couple of workshops on teen leadership, helping them to overcome insecurities, discern God's voice, understand servant leadership, and love those we serve. We met so many teens, adults, fellow music/speaking ministry friends, that it was impossible to spend enough time with everyone to catch up and get to know new friends! We sang and rehearsed with a remarkable cast in John Angotti's musical "JOB: The NOW Testament" which was very powerful... I was surprised it was powerful, because I expected more to be entertained than moved - definitely not the case. I was part of the music ministry for Mass with Michael Paul Leon and Matthew Leon, Danielle Rose, and the band --- a Mass which was presided over by at least ten Bishops, many of whom I knew personally from working in their Dioceses!

It was the most amazing witness of faith. It gave me so much hope for the youth that they voluntarily attended workshops on everything from discerning their vocations to Adoration, Evangelization to Chastity, and more. They loved one another, greeted one another, possessed unspeakable joy, and prayed like I wish we prayed in our Churches back home. It was beautiful. I will never forget my experience at NCYC this year.

What does this have to do with the title of my blog? I will tell you! 25,000 people attended NCYC. 25,000 people will go back to their homes and their schools and their jobs. I pray, I PRAY they keep the fire alive, because this world is so needy of the kind of joy and love that we all felt at NCYC. This world NEEDS this next generation to live their faith out loud.

Heading home from this awesome experience at NCYC.... My family and I stopped at a restaurant after a long leg of the drive to grab a bite to eat and do some diaper changes. We were so exhausted, but in pretty good spirits. David took Damien, our three year old, to the bathroom while I sat holding my five month old, Elias, and my two year old daughter Lucia walked around our table. After a few minutes of chatting and eating, Lucia noticed a little boy running around the restaurant, so she decided to go over to him and say hi.

Lucia said hi and smiled, then the boy, about four years old, pushed her in the face. Not too hard, but enough to make me say, "Hey! Don't do that!" Lucia looked shocked, but she wasn't crying, so I didn't immediately get up, as I was getting Elias' coat on. I looked again, and this time, the boy had Lucia's head between his hands with both his thumbs pushing into her eyes. Lucia was shaking and I yelled at the top of my lungs, to try to scare him as I jumped up and rushed over "HEY! STOP!" The boy's father was walking out the door, and I think the combination of me yelling and the boy seeing his father leave was enough to make him quit and run away. Lucia put her chin to her chest, trying not to cry, but then as soon as I touched her shoulder she burst into tears.

She had two little red marks under her eyes, but she seemed okay other than that and hurt feelings.

This is troubling and I would have let the parents know if they were still around, but honestly, while I was mad at the kid at first, I realized... he is only four. Lucia and I talked about how he was a "mean kid" and then I asked her if she could forgive him - she said, "Yeah, I forgive that mean kid." :) I forgave him too.

There were four people in this story, though, that I am still having a hard time forgiving. Those are the 20-something year old men (four of them) who sat literally inches away from Lucia and this boy, laughing and watching it happen.

And doing nothing.

Their reaction was "Oh Snap! Look at what that kid is doing to that little girl!" They watched it happen, nudging each other and laughing.

Even as I comforted Lucia while she cried, there was no sympathy. They were still laughing about it.

Immature? Yes.

Shocking, though, to me. I have never, ever witnessed an incident where NO ONE stood up for someone getting hurt. Always, someone has had the courage to step in. I have heard stories on the news about someone getting beat up or even raped and passersby do not intervene. I thought those passerby must be deranged or didn't really see what was happening or made some other excuse for them, not believing this truth of humanity.... that there are men. MEN, who didn't help a two year old little girl as they saw she was being hurt.

It was devastating to me in a way that I was surprised by.

There was no ounce of compassion, no act of concern. It was just pure entertainment and maybe even "not their business".

My husband thinks that if those guys were fathers, they would have reacted differently. Maybe they would have, but how about just being human?

I pray that we can raise up the next generation to show love and compassion to their fellow neighbor. I pray that we can raise up the next generation to have the courage to stand up for the weak.
I pray that we can raise up the next generation to be selfless and sacrificial.
I pray that we can raise up the next generation to respect women - even little girls.
I pray that we can raise up the next generation to be women worthy of that respect.
I pray that we can raise up the next generation to speak up for those who have no voice.
I pray that we can raise up the next generation to live for the Lord, not for the moment.

I pray that we can do these things, because all it takes for evil to prevail... to take a foothold...

is for good men to do nothing.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Post Baby Three Losing is Great WEEK TEN!


Starting weight: 180
Weight today: ??
Difference: ??
Total Weight Loss to date: 12.4lbs + whatever I know I gained this week...
Size: squeezing into 12/13 - getting a little easier ! : ) 

I ate a lot and did not exercise.

None to speak of.

I just basically spent my vacation sitting around and eating. A lot. 

I decided not to weigh in this week. I ate a lot, a lot, a lot. I am surprised at how much I ate, but one thing I was not surprised about is how miserable I felt about it when I got home. I opted not to weigh in because... why confirm what I already know, that I must have gained about five pounds? I figured it would hurt my self-esteem more to step on the scale and realize that all the work I put in the past couple of months to lose weight was wrecked by a week of social eating. I will weigh in again next week and maybe hopefully won't be distraught at my hard work gone! gone, I tell you! 

I noticed that I am not all that aware of feeling or looking different when I am eating healthy, but I definitely notice when I gain weight and notice my energy was super sluggish. My arthritic knee (sounds so old) started flaring up again, and it hasn't hurt in a couple months, since I started to watch what I ate and exercise. It hasn't hurt at all... until this week, when the pain was almost unbearable at times. I didn't even realize that I had been without pain until now, when it hurts! I'm already feeling better though, with eating right again and exercise/stretching. 

Eating right affects so much of my life that I am only beginning to really notice because I am blogging about it! I am in a much more optimistic mood when I eat right and stay active.

When we got home, I went to the grocery store and stocked up on lots of fruits and veggies and chicken! I also was so happy to find my freezer full of Organic frozen veggies from Azure Standard which I got at amazing prices. 

I turn 30 in February. I want to be in great shape. I don't have to be skinny, but I want to be strong and healthy, and I definitely have a ways to go!

Back to whole foods (mostly) and Jillian Michaels! 

Until next week... :)