Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Giving Seed

Just.. wow.

I have been overwhelmed but the support shown to David and I as we fundraise for our new CD. At this point we are almost to 25% of our goal!!

I am floored by people who have given from their blessings, who have said, "God has blessed us, so we want to bless you."

I am floored by people who have given from their need, who have said, "I can't give much, but I want to offer this sacrifice for your ministry."

I am floored by people who have taken the daily time to remember us in prayer who have said, "I just want you to know, I don't have the money, but your ministry has helped me in my faith and I want you to know I will pray for you."

I am floored by people who have shared our GoFundMe link and reconnected us to people we ministered with a long, long time ago.

It has planted in me a giving seed.

We live in a society that consumes us.

Our technology consumes our time and attention that we should be giving to family. I sit at lunch and look at my emails and Facebook, zoning out when I should be GIVING that time and attention to my kids.

David and I just bought a house here in Dodge City, Kansas. It is a small house and we are having to downsize so we can fit in it without the clutter we have now and which we brought with us from Michigan. There is something so freeing in trying to simplify our lives. As I sort out what is to keep and what is to sell/give away, I find myself wondering.. "How on earth do I have so much?!" We don't make much money, we don't shop much, how can we have this much, sorry, crap?... Because we HANG ON to things. We don't let go. We don't clean out. We might "need" that thing later. It's just not a regular practice or habit we are in to get rid of stuff and it is so opposite the Gospel message to store our treasures in Heaven.

I remember when the band and I went on tour through Memphis, Alabama, Joplin, and Michigan to raise money for storm victims, it was for the purpose of raising money to help those in need. We couldn't do much individually, but collectively we raised almost $15, 000! We felt proud of ourselves initially, but then something wiped out that pride. In Joplin, a man came up to the band and emptied out his pockets, saying that he was homeless, but wanted to give what he had to help.

Wadded up dollar bills and some loose change.

THIS WAS THE GOSPEL COME TO LIFE!!!! He gave everything! This donation brought us to tears and we realized God was asking more from us - to give all. Not some. (Hence our band name, "All in Ministry". )

Now, I'm not asking you to send me all your money!! While we will continue to fundraise because it will be impossible for us to pull this one off on our own, I just want you to know you've inspired me, humbled me, and I am so thankful.

God is showing me so much through this process and through each person who has sent money or commitment to pray or just simply shared our link. I need to be more giving. Giving of my time -- Carefree Timelessness is what Matthew Kelly -- Catholic speaker and author-- calls it. Giving of my blessings -- surprise surplus money in the budget (rare, but it happens :P). Giving from my need -- offering sacrifice, taking up my cross, giving love and forgiveness till it hurts, trusting the Lord with our financial care and not letting it hinder me in helping someone in need. And Giving of my Prayer. I have been praying for all of the readers of this blog, the donors to our campaign and it has awakened me to how much I've been focused on praying for myself and my own needs, rather than spending more time praying for the needs of those around me.

Thank you for all you are and all you do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity.

Thank you for giving me the giving seed. :) I pray it continues to grow and bear fruit in all of us!

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