Thursday, June 19, 2014

Where My Treasure Is

I have so many blog topics written down, but before I get to those...

I just wanted to take a moment and write a quick blog from the business/financial aspect of why we are asking for your financial support to help David and I record our first CD together!

We have covered the spiritual support, aspect, and I have told you how we operate our ministry from a "God provides" standpoint. That whatever we make or we don't make, God will provide. We do this because it keeps us humble, doesn't cloud our judgment as to where the Lord may be calling us, and frees us up to be recipients of the generosity of others, from the rich to the poor and everyone in between. We are totally dependent in this ministry upon the prayerful giving of others.

We are eternally grateful for the prayer commitments that have begun to pour in from even others who don't share our same faith. Your prayers will make this possible just as much as every $1 offered toward this project.

For the financial side...Why we are asking for money.... Frankly, if we could swing this recording all on our own, we would. But I think that the Lord has called us to humbly put ourselves out there and ask for money so that you may have a part and share in this ministry as well. We had savings. Then we moved to Kansas as the Lord called us to move to Dodge City! We had a tax refund. We got audited and our charity events were removed as deductions from our taxes (we were penalized for NOT making money, ironically). The Lord has provided but in ways we haven't always expected.

Where our treasure is, so shall our hearts be. You may not be able to sing or play an instrument. You may be on the front lines of ministry in mission work, volunteering at Church, or being a witness in the workplace or to family and friends. Each dollar contributed goes to support this CD and consequently, you are very much a part of this ministry through your generosity. We need the money for production costs, studio, studio musicians, CD artwork, mastering, duplication, and we would like to be able to pay our host family for allowing all five of us (that's right all of us!) to stay with them for a week in Steubenville!

We don't make much money on this ministry. I can tell you there are some events when we come out with nothing but the grace and joy of seeing the fruit of the Lord's work in us and those around us! There are other events where we come out with enough money to pay our bills and pour back into our music ministry or give to someone in need.

By supporting this project, you will support ministry through vocation. The music that will be on this CD will draw others closer to the Lord and will be a prayer for them. We use music as the vehicle for which to teach profound truths: You are beautifully and wonderfully made. We use music as the vehicle to take others deeper into prayer as they repeat the words to the songs and truly enter in to worship the Lord.

I cannot tell you how many people have come up saying that the Lord touched their heart in some way through the music. I have met with teens bearing fresh scars from cutting or suicide attempts, men and women in unhealthy sexual relationships who have realized the Lord calling them to live out purity, and even a young person abandoned by his parents to the foster care system who came to have a relationship with our Father in Heaven and believe for the first time that he was loved beyond measure. This is not to give glory to us, this is to give glory to God, that He is using us as His instruments, to change lives as men and women, boys and girls encounter Him through music and witness.

By contributing to this project, you are part of that. Your treasure, your heart, is part of this. Grace is flowing through you.

We cannot do it without you.

As for repayment, we have been praying for all of our donors. Everyone who contributes in some way will receive something from us! Whether it is a CD, a digital copy of the CD, a single download, a visit, etc.  You are in our prayers and rest assured God will reward even the smallest gift. In our experience, whenever we have given when even technically we had nothing, God rewarded our gifts even more abundantly than we could have ever hoped. It was that openness and trust in giving, that we were able to receive.

Thank you again. If you have questions, please let me know.

Here's the Link! To donate towards our CD funding campaign, CLICK HERE. To donate a prayer commitment, message me on Facebook!

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