Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Weightloss Blog Hashtag Bummer


My journey to health was put on hold as we moved out of our house last month. We were so busy, I had practically no time whatsoever to workout, and even less time to cook.

Our budget and waistlines suffered as we relied on pizza and fast food to get us through the final lap of our move.

Then, we went to Steubenville to record a CD and were on the go/traveling the whole time - more fast food most of the time.

Now, upon coming home, I've managed to get in a couple of workouts, but I still have to break my bad habits of craving foods that make me feel lousy.

Here's where things stand...

Weight: 162. Yep I gained 7 pounds!


I was initially devastated, but now I feel angry - Why did I let stress conquer me? I've felt so sluggish, no energy whatsoever. It's been rough to eat the way I've eaten. For the moments initial surrender to a craving and satisfaction of a juicy burger bring me, I've had the longer term effects of feeling like a bum.

So. Tired. So Weak!

So we start again.

I caved and ordered one month of Shakeology from my friend, Joia Farmer.  I can't afford it long term, just a month because we got a refund from overpayment on a bill and I cut back a bit on our regular grocery money, but I needed a jumpstart!

We absolutely have to get back to Whole Foods! I felt amazing and didn't crave diet coke when I was following the meal plans here . So, that's what we'll be getting back to!

Also, David and I have done and are getting back to P90X. After the kids go to bed, no matter how late, we are back on the bandwagon! I still love ChaLEAN Extreme, but David won't do that with me and it's nice to have a partner, especially as we lead our family to better health!

I'll keep ya posted -- regular weighin will be Friday! I'm back on the blog bandwagon too... I was hiding. ;)

Wish me luck!

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