Thursday, April 10, 2014

And We Remember How He Loved Us

Palm Sunday & Holy Week....

I love this solemn week. 

Some people would say it is depressing, but I am filled with such awe and reverence as we walk, this week, with our Lord as He journeys to the cross for us.  In such a concrete way, we are taken back 2000 years ago and walk with our Lord His journey to the cross. We read the vivid descriptions in the readings, reenact the waving of the palms and foot washing, kiss the cross on which our Savior died. 

The sights, the smells, the touch, the taste, the sounds of the Passion of the Lord. 

And yet, it's not a history lesson.Holy Week is the perfect summation of our Spiritual lives. In seven days, the Gospels capture for us an entire lifetime worth of faith. 

Palm Sunday (the Conversion!) 

This weekend we have a party for Jesus…initially! In Jesus’ time, as He entered into the temple all were hailing Him and worshipping Him, laying palm branches at His feet and giving Him treatment worthy of a King. 

I can’t help but apply this to my own life, when I have one of those “God moments” – a retreat experience or an experience of Christ so undeniable that I am excited to pray and worship Him and “do anything” for Him! It's that spiritual high that makes you want to rejoice from the rooftops, "MY God! I love you! My God, I worship You!" Or... "I'm in love! I'm in love! And I don't care who knows it!" 

How quickly we get to see if our faith is deeply rooted or if the words of Christ fell on to rocky soil. 

Holy Thursday (The test) Those who were so excited to be with Jesus and give Him royal treatment surround Him as He gives His flesh and blood in the Eucharist and one by one, they are tested in their faith. 

One betrays. 

One denies knowing Jesus. 

They all fall asleep when He asks them to pray. 

In my life where I have I betrayed (sinned)?

Where have I denied knowing Jesus (not stood up for what I know to be right)?

Where have I fallen asleep (not made faith in mine and my children’s lives a priority)? 

Good Friday (Repentance)  Upon realizing what they’ve done, the Apostles each react so differently. 

One stands with Jesus all the way to the foot of the cross. He perseveres. John.

One repents and weeps bitterly. Peter.

One despairs and takes his life. Judas.

Our Lord proves His love for us in dying for us – each and every one of us. 

How do I react to my sin and betrayal of the Lord? Do I despair and walk away from Him altogether? Do I repent and feel sorry for myself? Or do I repent and persevere in my faith, even as it takes me to the foot of the cross?

I’ll be honest… over my life it has been a mixture of all three! But at the cross, Jesus looks to John, His beloved disciple, and entrusts to him His own Mother. Jesus builds His Church on Peter, the repentant denier. The only one who went without was the one who did not return, Judas. 

God takes all of our weakness of faith, our love of Him, and our sincerity of repentance, and He uses us in spite of those things to build His Kingdom. He redeems us!

Easter Sunday (I am Made New Again!) Jesus’ glorious, triumphant Resurrection shows us that He is Lord of all and not even death can hold Him back. He shows us defeat of sin and redeems the world unto Himself. He shows us sin has no power, and He reunites us to Himself once again! Once again, we are healed. And we walk with Him into next year, living the Triduum every day. 

May we stay with Him this time, persevere and rely on Him during the tests of our faith, so that we can walk to the foot of the cross and rise with Him. 

Let us being Holy Week not as a history lesson or brand new Easter dress, but as participants in this most Holy Mystery of our Faith. Let us walk with Him....

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