Monday, October 28, 2013

Post Baby Three Losing is Great! WEEK FIVE!


Starting weight: 180
Weight today: 171.4
Difference: 0
Total Weight Loss to date: 8.6lbs
Size: squeezing into 12/13 


I totally stress ate this entire week. I am thankful not to have gained any weight but I am SO BUMMED after having such a great weight loss last week to have no change at all this week. 


I gave into stress. The kids were whiney, the house was a mess, my baby was up lots during the night and I ate out my stress. 

I should have exercised my stress, because though I was exhausted from being up with the baby, I did have a little more time this week and the weather was nice. Sometimes exercising or not exercising is tricky... I'm exhausted so I don't, but I'm exhausted because I don't. 

I still tried to stick to whole foods, but I also did eat some junk food. One trip to Sonic, a few kids' french fries, and a Mocha Frappe made the list. Mmm. So good. 

Wait, this is my victory section... 

I stayed away from diet coke even though I craved it like crazy this week. Probably I craved it because of the stress and poor food choices. To satisfy this craving, I drank sparkling fruit-flavored water. The carbonation hit the spot and no calories so I figured it was a decent compromise. 

I also exercised more than I have to date, so maybe I'm also building muscle. 

I don't notice much change yet in the way my clothes fit, BUT, I do notice more definition in my face/collar bone/arms. It's not much, but it's something. :) I'll post pics when I hit the ten pound mark. Which I was hoping would be this week... Next week?! 

I just received my Shakeology sampler packet which I will be trying this week. My friend, Joia Farmer who also has a blog, "Eat, Sweat, Pray, Repeat" sent it my way to try out. I have little to no money to put towards any sort of diet program, but I thought I would try this out given her recommendation and my newfound desire to eat healthy and get fit! (As slow-going as it may be) Joia makes taking care of our bodies part of her ministry, because we can't really take care of others if we aren't taking care of our own health! The whole can't give what we don't have deal. 

1)  Need better ways to deal with stress not involving homemade chocolate chip cookies.

1) Exercise

2) Follow Week two of Real Food MEALS

3) Try out Shakeology. 

Until next week... :)

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