Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Heal My Wounds

I have been reflecting a lot on the words of Pope Francis...

We cannot insist only on issues related to abortion, gay marriage and the use of contraceptive methods. This is not possible. I have not spoken much about these things, and I was reprimanded for that. But when we speak about these issues, we have to talk about them in a context. The teaching of the church, for that matter, is clear and I am a son of the church, but it is not necessary to talk about these issues all the time.

Many people took these words to the extreme -- one side said Pope Francis shows weakness on issues of morality. One side said Pope Francis is getting with the times. 

The issue for BOTH sides that clouds their vision on the interpretation of what he said is the hope that Pope Francis will enforce their own agenda - however, well-intentioned, good, or bad it may be. 

Pope Francis is saying we have all been distracted by the issues, neglecting the person. We have been distracted by the law and forgetting the love - the love that IS God. We are instead preaching messages on morality, assuming this is the most urgent message when the reality is the opposite. Lives may change if we preach of moral evils. But lives will change if we share the love and mercy of Jesus Christ which is what is truly transformative. 

Christopher West uses an example... paraphrasing here...if a man needs a law that says don't kill your wife, does he really love her? A man who really loves his wife doesn't need a law telling him not to kill her because he has no desire to do so! 

When I knew God's love and mercy in my life, my life changed, because I desired more than anything in the world to serve Him and follow Him! 

Someone from American Catholic asked Fr. Robert Barron how to talk to others about issues like abortion and homosexuality, and he said what Pope Francis recently said... those things will come later. First, they need to know what God has done for them, that there is a God who loves and desires them so much that He sent His Son to die for them! The other issues will follow from that relationship. 

We tend to focus on what someone is doing wrong versus valuing and loving and forgiving them as a person God has created. 

We remember the doctor who performs abortions but forget their humanity, because we can't see past the horror. Will abortions stop if abortion is outlawed? I have no idea. Will abortions stop if there are no more abortionists? I think that is a stronger likelihood. Will abortions stop if men know their responsibility to women and the children they create with them? Will abortions stop if women respect themselves and their dignity and are supported throughout their pregnancies? Will abortions stop if our culture learns to value life from womb to tomb? 

This is the healing that needs to happen. This is the love that needs to be shared. This is the mercy that needs to be imparted. 

But how do we do that?

I think it starts in our own homes. 

Cliche? Sure. 

But who are the people we most regularly hurt with our words, lack of patience, frustration, anger, stress, over working, laziness, etc, etc, etc? Who are the people who will one day go out and have their own family and close friends, taking our example into their own homes? Who are the people who carry the burdens and stresses and problems of their families into the workplace, into the schools, into the churches, into the world? 

Who are the people we most regularly have the opportunity to show love and mercy to? Who are the people we most regularly have the opportunity to serve? Who are the people who will one day love and forgive others? Who are the people who will one day nurture and care for others in the workplace, schools, churches, world?

Heal our wounds, Lord. Help us be stronger, more loving, more forgiving. Help us believe in Your mercy and love. 

Help us know that conversion takes place in the heart - the part of us no one can truly see, but You. 

Let us be an example of Who You are, especially to the souls You have entrusted to our care. Help us be the light so others may also come to know You. 



  1. My husband d and I were talking about this, and it reminded him of a grade school story... The wind wanted a man to take his coat off, so it blew and blew. The wind blew as hard as it could, but it could not get the mans coat off of him. Then, the sun came out and slowly warmed the man. The man wanted to take off his coat and did :)
