Thursday, September 26, 2013

Preview to Monday's Weightloss Blog

Three kids. Lots of pounds. Soooo little time.

I've always struggled with my weight. Ever since I can remember I've been at least ten pounds overweight. At least.

In college I managed to lose close to sixty pounds by running, walking, working out, and watching what I ate. My heaviest weight in college was equivalent to my heaviest weight, pregnant with my first child.

I know what you're thinking.. the numbers! We want the numbers! Well, that's Monday.

Inviting you in to my weightloss journey is NOT:

1) To give you weightloss advice
2) To endorse any brand, product, or program. What I may mention here is whatever I have found useful to my own situation - not necessarily a recommendation for anyone else.
3) To become the next exercise/fitness guru.

Inviting you in to my weightloss journey IS:

1) To hold myself accountable and stop falling off the bandwagon
2) To lose weight in the way that is most practical to my life at this moment
3) To inspire you to know that if I can do it, you can!

I'm not going on a fad diet. I'm not going to starve myself. I'm not going to obsess. I'm not going to deprive myself --- I'm giving myself the best gift in the world. Health, fitness to keep up with my kids, and to make sure I am smokin' hot for my husband, because we still plan to have a few more kids. :P

Kidding about the smokin' hot part. I have one of those amazing, holy husbands who loves me no matter what I do or don't look like. :)

I'm not doing this because I am insecure and depressed. I am doing this because I know I deserve better than to have to buy a whole new bigger wardrobe post-baby three. I know that I have been given a temple of the Holy Spirit and I don't smoke, don't drink, don't do drugs and that's basically been the extent in which I have "maintained" this temple.

My 30th birthday is coming up in February. I am realizing how much I don't want my kids to learn poor health habits from their parents. I don't want them to struggle with their weight as I have.

I'm not shooting for the next Jillian Michaels bod. I'm shooting for a healthy weight with energy and endurance to match. There is SO much diet and exercise research out there that I could easily follow and tap into, but I am going to stick to the basics.

I'm not going to stress. I'm not going to obsess, and most importantly... I'm not going to give up.

Thanks for joining me on this journey! Please pray for me! :)

Update on Monday. :)


  1. Replies
    1. I want to share a couple of links that may be helpful to anyone who struggles with body image, weirht, or eating issues. and

      Please check these sites out. It may very well help you to accept and love the body you have just the way it is.

    2. Hi Lee! Thanks for the links! I will be sure to keep them in mind if contacted by anyone with a disordered body image/eating disorder! Thanks for the reminder to be thankful and healthy!
